Stitch is the name of the genetic experiment 626, a fictional alien, and one of the two main characters of the Lilo & Stitch films and television program. Originally created to cause chaos across the galaxy, he is marked by his short temper and mischievous behavior, traits that endear him to his friend Lilo, who adopted him as her puppy dog. He is voiced by his creator and the film's co-director, Chris Sanders.
Stitch is a blue alien genetic creation standing around 2 feet tall. He strongly resembles a koala, or a French bulldog, as he is referred to as a dog throughout much of the franchise. He has a limited ability to change his physical appearance, as he can retract a second set of arms, his antennae and the three spikes on his back into his body.
關於夏威夷小女孩和外太空怪物的故事,六歲小女孩 Lilo 由於父母過世,和十九歲姊姊 Nani 相依為命,由於年紀小小就失去雙親,Lilo 因此個性有點古怪,不但跟其他同年齡女孩發生爭執,還常常為一些小事跟姊姊賭氣。有天她收養了一隻狗並取名為 Stitch ,但是她們姊妹萬萬沒有想到 Stitch 其實不是普通的狗,居然是一個六隻腳的外星怪物!是一個違法實驗所製造的危險生物,被流放途中駕著太空梭逃跑,才降落到地球。為了在地球上隱藏身分, Stitch 把兩隻腳上縮偽裝成一隻狗,因此就被 Lilo 選中成為她心愛的小狗,另一方面外星人發現危險的怪物逃走了,立刻出動追捕,要將這怪物抓回去!迪士尼這部動畫作品畫風十分清新雋永,是部反璞歸真的感人作品。迪士尼為了幫這部特別的動畫宣傳,還推出一系列惡搞預告,讓 Stitch 暢遊迪士尼各部經典動畫作品中,讓人看了印象深刻。
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